?Catch-up quick
Learn how to create a Group in order to assign identical permissions to multiple users within your account.
A Group is a set of similar users within your organization’s account. You’ll assign user permissions using Groups.
Create Groups for users who share similar functions, locations, or have similar permission needs. If you need to provide narrower permission sets, create nested Child Groups.
🗒️ Note: Child Groups are only available to Enterprise level accounts.
When you create a Child Group, you’ll notice that some permissions cannot be changed. This is because Child Groups inherit the permissions of their Parent Group. Any inherited permissions will display a lock icon on the Add a Group page.
Only Admins can create and manage Groups. Review permission details in Users, Groups, and Permissions as necessary.
In the GoFormz web app, click the User Profile drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner and select Users and Groups where you’ll complete the following steps:
Click Add Group.
You’ll navigate to the Add a Group page.
Enter a Group name.
Select the Group’s Management permissions.
To do this, click the slider next to each permission you want members of this Group to have.
Select the Group's Form permissions.
To do this, switch the slider next to each permission you want members of this group to have.
Select the Group's Template folder access.
To do this, switch the slider next to each Template folder to which you want users in this Group to have access.
Click Create.
You’ll navigate back to the Groups page where you’ll see your new Group.
Next, you can. . .
Add more users to your account.
Build a new Template in your account.