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Auto Tagging Forms

GoFormz Template Events provide a way to associate tags with your Forms automatically, rather than tagging each Form individually.

Updated over a year ago

GoFormz Template Events provides a way to associate tags with your Forms automatically, rather than tagging each Form individually.

Example Use Case

You may want to tag all your work order forms with the name of the customer that requested the work order. That way, you can easily filter your forms by customer in the future. You can ask all your technicians to tag the forms manually when they complete them, but this is a potentially messy and error-prone process (what if they forget? what if they misspell the customer name?). Instead, it is much easier to set up a Template Event that tags each form appropriately.


To set up auto-tagging for a form template, do the following

1. Navigate to the Templates Tab and click the form template that you want to auto-tag. The Template Editor will launch.

2.  Click the Manage Events link at the top of the editor to launch the Template Events screen.

3.  Click the Add Trigger button to create a new Template Event, or select an existing event to edit it. The event's settings will appear on the right side of the screen.

4.  In the When this happens section, configure the event trigger by selecting a User and a Trigger from the dropdowns. In this example, the event will trigger when any user completes the form. Use the Do not run again after form has been reopened checkbox if you only want the transfer to occur the first time that the form is completed.

5.  Select Tag from the dropdown under Do the following. The auto-tag fields will appear underneath.

6.  In the Tag field, enter either a single tag, or a comma-separated list of tags. Tags can be static (e.g. “My tag”) or dynamic (e.g. the customer name from the form). Dynamic tags are specified using Template Variables. In this example, two tags are specified:

  • “Work Order” is a static tag; and

  • “[Customer Name]” is a dynamic tag that takes the value found in the form’s Customer Name field.

7.  Click the Save Changes button at the bottom to complete the tag automation process.

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