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Workflow Jobs: Troubleshooting workflows
Workflow Jobs: Troubleshooting workflows

Learn to view and troubleshoot workflow jobs, and view which workflow jobs triggered when.

Updated over a year ago

A job is a single workflow execution. This means that a given workflow may have thousands of jobs associated with it. The list of workflow jobs can be accessed from the Workflow Tab in two ways:

  • Click the View Jobs link to view a list of all jobs across all workflows

  • Expand the [...] Actions dropdown next to a workflow and select View Jobs to view a list of all jobs for that workflow only.

This brings up the Workflow Jobs screen. The main purpose of this screen is record-keeping and transparency, which may also aid in troubleshooting. You can see which jobs were triggered when, see whether each job was successful or not, and drill down into each job’s details including number of attempts (a.k.a. Job logs).

The jobs list contains the following for each job:

Workflow name: This is the name of the workflow that this job executed with a reference number added to the end of the name. This reference number is a unique identifier for each workflow job, so the workflow job can be easily referenced. Click the workflow name to view job logs.

Status: The colored dot next to each job is its most recent job attempt status. The following statuses are possible: 

  • Queued (yellow dot): The workflow trigger has occurred, triggering the job — but the workflow actions have not yet started executing. 

  • Running (green outline): The workflow trigger has occurred, and workflow actions are in progress but have not yet completed. 

  • Complete (green dot full circle): All workflow actions have completed. 

  • Complete (green outline circle with a slash) Workflow has successfully been terminated. Terminated text will show next to the icon.

  • Failed (red dot): The workflow trigger has occurred, but the workflow failed to execute.

Start Date: The date and time when the job was first triggered (the initial attempt).

Actions dropdown: Actions that can be performed on the job. From here, you can view the job log or re-run the job.

Additionally, the following actions are available above the jobs list:

  • To go back to the main Workflow Tab, click the All Workflows link in the top left.

  • To open the filter menu, click the funnel-shaped Filter icon. See below for more on this.

  • To reload the jobs list, click the Reload icon.

  • To sort the jobs list by job start time, click the sort icon next to the Start Date column. By default, the jobs are sorted from most to least recent; clicking the icon reverses this order.

  • To view job details, simply click the job name. See below for more on this.

Filtering the job list

You will typically want to filter your jobs list in order to pull up the specific job or jobs that you wish to review. Some useful filters include:

  • All jobs associated with a particular workflow

  • All failed jobs over the past week

  • All “queued” or “running” jobs over a day old (when a job has one of these statuses for more than a few hours, that typically indicates that something is wrong)

To open the filter menu, click the icon in the top right. The menu contains 3 filter types:

  • Time Range: Expand the Time Range dropdown to view only jobs that occurred in a given time range. The available options are Today, This Week, Last Week, This Month, and Last Month.

  • Job Status: Click on the job status options to select/deselect them. These are multi-select boxes, so you can choose one or several job statuses, or click “All” to display all statuses.

  • Workflow Name: Select the workflow name from the dropdown. You can select multiple workflow names. Click the X next to a selected workflow to remove the filter.

The workflow list will update dynamically to match the selected filter options. In the example above, only jobs that occurred in July 2021, have Running or Complete status, and are from the “BIM 360 | Upload Form” workflow will be displayed.

To clear all filters so that all jobs are displayed, click the Clear all filters link at the top of the filter menu.

Viewing job details/logs

To view job details, simply click on the job name, or expand the job’s Actions menu and select View Log. This will bring up the log information for the selected job.

Here, you can view the details of each attempt run for this Job. A new attempt is created when the Job you are viewing is rerun by either selecting the "Re-Run" button in the top right corner or the "Re-Run" option in the Action menu on the previous page. You can toggle between the attempts to view specific details.

If a Workflow job was originally run 365 or more days ago, it cannot be rerun. Additionally, if a Workflow is deleted, then any associated jobs cannot be rerun.

The log contains a list of workflow steps along with a summary of each step, with the following information:

  • Step name: This is the same as the step’s name in the corresponding workflow.

  • Status: The status types are the same as at the workflow level.

  • Run Start Time: The timestamp when the step began executing.

  • Duration: How long the step took to execute.

This is very useful information for troubleshooting: you can see which steps are taking longer than you might expect, and for failed jobs you can see exactly where the failure occurred. Workflow job logs are archived after 60 days.

Finally, you can click on a step to view the log information for that step. The log information that this reveals is very technical and won’t mean very much to most users, but you can send this information to GoFormz support to help you troubleshoot the problem. Additionally, you can reference Workflow FAQs to find common issues that will cause workflow failure.

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