The GoFormz-Azure Blob Storage integration conveniently automates the process of uploading your completed form PDFs to the appropriate folders in your Azure Blob Storage account.
Note: Before getting started, you must first reach out to your GoFormz Account Manager to enable access to the Azure Blob Storage application on your account.
There are two steps to configuring an Azure Blob Storage integration:
Creating an Azure Blob Storage Connection: First, set up a connection to the Azure Blob Storage application, giving GoFormz access to your Azure Blob Storage account.
Creating an Azure Blob Storage workflow: Contact your Account Manager or to set up an Azure Blob Storage workflow
Before you begin, make sure that you have an existing Azure Blob Storage account and you know the credentials for the account. To create an Azure Blob Storage app connection, do the following:
Select Connected Apps from the More dropdown at the top of the GoFormz web app to navigate to the App Connections screen.
2. Click on Azure Blob Storage & Add Connection to bring up the Azure Blob Storage login window.
3. Select the Authentication Method you would like to use. You can either select Storage Account SAS or Container SAS.
Storage Account SAS uses a SAS token for entire storage account, while Container SAS uses a container specific SAS token.
4. If you have selected Storage Account SAS for your Authentication Method, input your Storage URL and SAS token and click Next.
5. If Container SAS is selected, please input your Storage URL, Container Name, and SAS token. Click Next.
The new connection will appear on your Azure Blob Storage Connections list with a generic name like “Azure Blob Storage Connections - 1”. We recommend renaming your connection with a more descriptive name (e.g. including your Azure Blob Storage username in the connection name), especially if you plan to use multiple Azure Blob Storage connections. This will make it much easier to tell your connections apart from each other.