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GoFormz: Form Actions

Actions that let you manipulate GoFormz forms without use of any third-party APIs.

Updated over 3 years ago

Form Actions are steps that you can include in your workflow to reference and/or manipulate GoFormz Forms and Form Data. Most commonly, these actions are used to create and delete forms, get data from existing forms, add data to forms, and change a form's status through Workflow. The full list of available actions includes:

  • Export Form To PDF: Export an existing form to a PDF file.

  • Create Form: Create a new form, assign it to a user, and optionally populate some fields.

  • Delete Form: Delete one or more forms.

  • Change Form Status: Change the status of a form from Draft to Complete or vice versa.

  • Transfer Form: Transfer Form Owner.

  • Update Form: Change an existing form's name or field values.

  • Send Email: Send an email, optionally with attachments. The email can be sent using the GoFormz email server, or using a GoFormz SMTP client to connect to a third-party server.

  • Get Form: Get a form's fields and metadata using its ID.

  • Get Form Images: Get images from a form; this only works for images in Image fields — not in Sketch fields or attached files.

  • Create User: Create a new user & add them to the appropriate user group. GoFormz Welcome Email will be sent allowing them to set their own password.

  • Export Report to CSV: Export an existing form to a CSV file.

  • Fill Form Fields: Fill in a set of form fields from a DataSet file; this is typically used for tabular data that is not in a table.

  • Fill Form Table: Fill a form table with values from a DataSet file.

  • Get Form Table: Get the contents of a form table and store them in a DataSet file.

Export Form To PDF

Export an existing form to a PDF file.

This action is most frequently used in conjunction with the Form Completed trigger. This is because when exporting a form to a PDF, the next step in the workflow is typically to send it somewhere —like to a third party app for storage or to another person via email — and you typically want to send the form out as soon as it is complete. That said, there are situations when you want a PDF before a form is complete, and you can use this action in those situations as well.

Below are the inputs for Export Form to PDF.

  • Form Id (required): The unique 32-digit hexadecimal identifier associated with the form.

  • Pages: What pages you want to include in the export. Leave blank if you want to include all.

  • Advanced Section

    • Filename: How you want the file to be named for upload .pdf will be automatically added to the end. If no file name is provided the form name will be used.

Create Form

Create a new GoFormz form, assign it to a user, and optionally populate some form fields.

This action can be used to populate all form field types except Locations, Sketches and Tables. Adding Locations and Sketches is not supported at this time, and the Fill Form Table action should be used to fill a table.

Typically, forms are created based on external triggers — for example, you may want to create a new form whenever a new work order is created in Salesforce, in order to capture some data for the work order. However, you can also create a form based on a GoFormz trigger. For example, suppose the first thing you want to do after taking on a new project is a site inspection. Then you would want an approved Project Proposal form to automatically trigger the creation of a Jobsite Inspection form.

Below are the inputs for Create Form.

  • Template (required): Select the Template that you want to base the Form off of

  • Form Name (required): How you want to label the Form

  • Form Owner (required):Username, User ID, Group ID of who the Form Owner should be

  • Fields:

    • Field Name: Name of the Template Field

    • Value: What the Field Value will be

Delete Form

Delete a form or several forms. Be careful when using this — a deleted form cannot be recovered!

There are a number of workflows where deleting a form may come in useful. For instance, you may want to maintain a one-to-one relationship between Salesforce Work Order objects and its related forms in GoFormz, driven by Salesforce. To do so, you would use a pair of workflows:

  1. Create new GoFormz forms whenever a new Salesforce Work Order object is created, and store the new forms' IDs to the Salesforce object.

  2. Whenever a Salesforce Work Order is deleted, also delete its corresponding GoFormz forms.

Below are the inputs for Delete Form.

  • Form Id (required): The unique 32-digit hexadecimal identifier associated with the form.

Change Form Status

Change the status of a form. There are two form statuses: draft or complete. See here for more on form status.

Completing or more frequently reopening a form based on an external trigger is a common use case for this action. For instance, imagine you have a workflow where field technicians fill out a form, the completed form's data is uploaded into a Salesforce object, and managers then look at the results through Salesforce. If they see that some data is missing, they may want to reopen the form directly from Salesforce.

Below are the inputs for Change Form Status.

  • Form Id (required):The unique 32-digit hexadecimal identifier associated with the form.

  • Form Status (required): Status that you want to change the form to ‘Draft’ or ‘Completed’.

Transfer Form

Change the owner of a form. Note that only Draft forms can be transferred — Completed forms cannot be transferred.

Suppose Jane Doe is your supervisor, and needs to sign off on your form. You can transfer the form directly to Jane for her approval. If your company policy is that a supervisor needs to sign off on your form, but it doesn’t matter which supervisor. You can simply assign your form to the Supervisors group, and the first one to see it can claim ownership and sign off on it.

Below are the inputs for Transfer Form.

  • Form Id (required): The unique 32-digit hexadecimal identifier associated with the form.

  • Recipient (required): Username, User Id, Group Id of the desired Form owner.

Update Form

Update an existing GoFormz form's name or field values.

This action can be used to populate all form field types except Locations, Sketches and Tables. Updating Locations and Sketches is not supported at this time, and the Fill Form Table action should be used to fill a table.

There are many situations where updating a form's name or fields may become necessary. For instance, suppose you want to keep information in sync between your Salesforce Work Order objects and your GoFormz work order forms, and a Work Order object is edited on the Salesforce side.

Below are the inputs for Update Form.

  • Form Id (required): The unique 32-digit hexadecimal identifier associated with the form.

  • Form Name: The Form Name. Note, that this is the name of the Form rather than the Template. Depending on your configuration, each form created from the same template may or may not have a unique name.

  • Fields

    • Field Name: Name of the Template Field

    • Value: Field Value population

Send Email

Send an email, optionally with attachments. The email can be sent using the GoFormz email server, or using a GoFormz SMTP client to connect to a third-party server.

Emails sent from the GoFormz server are typically used as notifications to a stakeholder (e.g. employee, partner or customer) that an action has taken place. For instance, you may want to email an employee that they received a form assignment, or email a customer that their work order form has been completed.

Below are the inputs for Send Email.

  • To (required): Email address of who you would like to send the email to. If multiple, separate emails by using commas.

  • CC: Email address of anyone who you would like to copy the email to. If multiple, separate emails by using commas.

  • BCC: Email address of anyone who you would like to blind copy the email to. If multiple, separate emails by using commas.

  • Subject: Customize subject line. If blank it will default to “Message From GoFormz”

  • Body: Customize the message of your email. In editor mode you can modify formatting. Preview mode will let you view the email message as the receiver will see it.

  • Attachments: Output of the Export Report or Export PDF step

Get Form

Get a form using its unique form ID.

This action is used to get form metadata and field values from a form. However, it is not used as frequently as one might think despite serving such a key function, because the Form Completed trigger usurps its biggest potential use case. If you are using the Form Completed trigger and want the newly completed form's field values and metadata, you can just get those values from the Form Completed trigger itself. The Get Form action is used for all other situations where you need a form's metadata and field values, of which there are still many.

Below are the inputs for Get Form.

  • Form Id (required): The unique 32-digit hexadecimal identifier associated with the form.

  • Fields:

    • Field Name: Name of the Template Field.

    • Output Name: Name of the output that will hold the value of the field. If left blank, the field name will be used.

Get Form Images

Get images from a form. Note that this will only get images from Image fields — it will NOT get images stored in Sketch fields or images that were attached to the form.

This action is typically used when some images from a form need to be sent to someone or stored in a third-party system.

Below are the inputs for Get Form Images.

  • Form Id (required): The unique 32-digit hexadecimal identifier associated with the form.

  • Fields:

    • Field Name: Name of the template field

    • File Name: Output name of the image file. If left blank the field name will be used.

Create User

Create a new user & add them to the appropriate user group. GoFormz Welcome Email will be sent allowing them to set their own password.

This action is typically used when a new user needs to be added to your GoFormz account based on a form field.

Below are the inputs for Create User.

  • Email Address (required): Email address of the new user.

  • First Name (required): First name of the new user.

  • Last Name (required): Last name of the new user.

  • Phone Number (required): Phone number of the new user.

  • Group Name(s) (required): Group names from the GoFormz account that the user belongs to. If in multiple groups, they should be separated by pipes “Group 1|Group 2”.

Export Report to CSV

This will generate a single CSV file containing data from all your selected forms. These files can then be opened with Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet and data analysis software, where you can manipulate and analyze the data.

Each row in the exported CSV represents a form, with the exception of the first row which contains column headings. So if you export a single form, the CSV will have 2 rows, if you export 5 forms it will have 6 rows, etc.

Note: that only text-based form fields are exported. The following field types will not be exported: Table, Image, Location, Signature, and Sketch.

Below are the inputs for Export Report to CSV.

  • Report (required): Select name of the GoFormz Report that you would like to export.

  • Export Delimiter: Dictating how the columns should be recognized as a separator, auto sets to a comma

  • Include Newline Characters:This is for when some of the values are multi-line text fields.

Fill Form Table

Fill a form table with values from a DataSet file.

Suppose you have some common jobs that require the same standard list of materials, with some minor deviations. Rather than having your technicians fill out the materials table with the same items every time, you want to fill the table automatically whenever you dispatch the form.

Below are the inputs for Fill Form Table.

  • Form Id (required): The unique 32-digit hexadecimal identifier associated with the form.

  • DataSet (required): DataSet that you want to reference when filling in form tables.

  • TableName (required): Template table name.

  • Column Mappings (required):

    • DataSet Column: Name of the DataSet Column.

    • Table Column: Name of the corresponding column in the Template table.

Fill Form Fields

This action is very similar to the Fill Form Table action. Its purpose is to fill a set of table-like repetitive form fields that are not represented via a table.

Many forms contain some version of the situation displayed below:

Here we have tabular information, but it isn't quite formatted as a table, and cannot be represented as a table in GoFormz because the "Description" field for each table item has its own separate row, so each item actually takes up two rows. The Fill Form Fields action is an analogue to the Fill Form Table action that is designed to handle this kind of scenario, where you have tabular information but a Table field cannot be used because of the way it's laid out.

Below are the inputs for Fill Form Fields.

  • Form Id (required): The unique 32-digit hexadecimal identifier associated with the form.

  • DataSet (required):DataSet that you want to reference when filling in form tables.

  • Field Mapping (required):

    • DataSet Column:Name of the DataSet column

    • Field Name Prefix: Prefix of the name of the field to have the corresponding DataSet column mapped.

  • Suffix Character: In the form field names to be filled, this is the character that should go after the field prefixes in the fieldMapping and before a number. This defaults to "_" (the underscore character). For example, suppose suffixChar is "." (the period character) and one of the field prefixes in the mapping is "Price". Then the form fields filled by this action will be "Price.1", "Price.2", etc.

Get Form Table

Get the contents of a form table and store them in a DataSet.

This action lets you obtain the contents of a table in your form, something that the more generic Get Form action does not allow. There are many uses for this — you may want to add this information to an email, export it to a third party, store it in a Data Source, etc.

Below are the inputs for Get Form Table.

  • Form Id (required): The unique 32-digit hexadecimal identifier associated with the form.

  • Tables (required):

    • Table Name: Template Table Field Name.

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