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SQL Server Integration

The GoFormz-SQL Server integration allows your operation to leverage SQL as your “source of truth” for data management.

Updated over a week ago

SQL Server workflows can automate the movement of data between GoFormz and each system connected to SQL, establishing a constant current of information throughout your operation.

Note: Before getting started, you must first reach out to your GoFormz Account Manager to enable access to the SQL Server application on your account.

Some Ways You Can Use SQL Server with GoFormz

  • Instantly add or update database rows

  • Seamlessly reference SQL Server database tables

There are two steps to configuring a SQL Server integration:


Before you begin, make sure that you have an existing SQL Server account and you know the credentials for the account. To create a SQL Server app connection, do the following:

  1. Select Connected Apps from the More dropdown at the top of the GoFormz web app to navigate to the App Connections screen.

2. Click SQL Server & Add Connection to bring up the SQL Server login window.

3. Enter your SQL Server connection string and click Add. The connection is for T- SQL (Transact-SQL)

The new connection will appear on your SQL Server Connections list with a generic name like “SQL Server Connections - 1”. We recommend renaming your connection with a more descriptive name (e.g. including your SQL Server username in the connection name), especially if you plan to use multiple SQL Server connections. This will make it much easier to tell your connections apart from each other.

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