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Independent Users overview
Independent Users overview

Independent User profiles enable users outside of an organization to access multiple accounts.

Updated over 2 months ago

An Independent User profile provides a user with ownership of their GoFormz profile without the need to belong to a specific account. This type of profile is created with third-party contractors in mind.

An account belongs to an organization. Each user within an account has a user profile which is initiated (or created) by their organization. User’s may manage their profile details, but a user profile ultimately belongs to the account that initiated the profile.

An Independent User profile exists independent of any account. This enables a user to access multiple accounts using one profile.

Initiate an Independent User profile

You can convert an existing User profile to an Independent User profile, or create a new User as an Independent User.

🗒️ Note: The conversion to an Independent User is permanent.

Only an account admin can initiate an Independent User profile. The account admin initiates Independent User profile creation in Users and Groups by clicking the "Add as an Independent User" checkbox when creating a user profile.

Screenshot displaying the location of the "Add as an Independent User" checkbox as it displays when creating a User Profile in the GoFormz web app.

🗒️ Note: If you have an existing profile and want to become an Independent User, you must contact the account admin who initiated your profile creation and request that they change your existing profile to an Independent User profile.

The invited user will finish setting up and managing their Independent User profile going forward. You're responsible for managing any Independent Users you've granted access to your account.

Manage Independent User profiles

Independent User profiles are labeled in Users and Groups. A tag reading “Independent” appears in-line with their user information in the table on the Users and Groups page.

Screenshot displaying a user profile labeled as an Independent User in the Users and Groups page of the GoFormz web app.

Because an Independent User’s profile exists outside of any account, they manage all of their own profile details. But an Account Admin manages an Independent User’s access within their organization’s account.

Manage your profile as an Independent User

When an Independent User logs in to your account, they’ll immediately navigate to the account to which they have access. If they have access to multiple accounts, they’ll open the User Profile menu in the upper right-hand corner and choose the account they want to access.

If an Independent User doesn't have access to any accounts, they'll navigate to GoFormz Profile. Here, they'll manage their profile details including: eSignatures, authentication providers, and basic profile settings.

Manage Independent Users in your account

If you’re inviting any Independent Users into your account, you’ll want to determine what kind of access and permissions they’ll need to complete the necessary tasks.

🗒️ Note: Independent Users occupy a single license in your account as long as they maintain access to your account.

When an Independent User no longer needs access to your account, you’ll need to manually remove their profile by switching the Active slider next to their name in the user table on the Users and Groups page of the GoFormz web app.

Screenshot displaying the location of the Activation slider in the User table on the Users and Groups page of the GoFormz web app.

If necessary, you can restore the Independent Users access to your account after their access is removed.

Independent Users and Custom SSO

If an Independent User profile accesses an account that uses Custom SSO, then the Independent User must log in using the account’s Custom SSO.

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