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GoFormz Actions Overview
GoFormz Actions Overview

Actions that let you manipulate GoFormz forms without use of any third-party APIs.

Updated over a week ago

Include Form Actions in your Workflow to leverage your Forms and Form data.

Available Form Actions include:

Below, we will cover the details of each available Form Action.

Export Form to PDF

The Export Form to PDF action exports an existing Form as a PDF.

Use the Export Form to PDF action with the Form Completed or Public Form Submitted trigger and Upload File action to leverage popular GoFormz third-party integrations.

Provide the following information to establish the Export Form to PDF action:

  • Form Id: This is a unique 32-digit identifier assigned to each individual Form. Select from your available Forms using this drop-down menu. Your options in this drop-down are populated based on prior Workflow steps like Form Completed or Public Form Submitted triggers.

    Form Id is required for this action.

  • Pages: Here you indicate the pages you want included in your export.

    If you leave this field blank, your export will include all pages. Indicate your page range using the dash (or "-") symbol. Separate your pages by commands.

  • Advanced Section: In the Export Form to PDF action, the Advanced section includes Filename. Filename indicates how you want your file named for upload. If you do not provide a file name, then the Form name is used as the file name. By default, ".pdf" is added to the end of your file name.

Get Form Images

Collect the images included in Image fields from received Forms using the Get Form Images action. Use this action to send images from your received Form to another source including a person or third-party system separate from the PDF file.

Note: This action only collects images from Image fields. This does not include images stored in Sketch fields or attachments.

Use the Get Form Images action with the Form Completed or Public Form Submitted trigger and Upload File action to leverage popular GoFormz third-party integrations.

Provide the following information to establish the Export Form to PDF action:

  • Form Id: This is a unique 32-digit identifier assigned to each individual Form. Select from your available Forms using this drop-down menu. Your options in this drop-down are populated based on prior Workflow steps like Form Completed or Public Form Submitted triggers.

    Form Id is required for this action.

  • Fields: For the Get Form Images action, these Fields include Field Name and File Name.

    • Field Name is the name of the corresponding Template field.

    • File Name indicates the output name of the image file.

      If you leave File Name blank, then the field name is used by default.

Send Email

With the Send Email action you can automate sending an email and any necessary attachments. Send your email using the GoFormz email server or a GoFormz SMTP client connected to a third-party server.

Notify employees, partners, or customers when an action has taken place. Common uses of this action include emailing an employee an assignment or emailing a customer a completed work order form.

Use Workflow Variables for email inputs to reference Form and metadata variables.

Screenshot displaying the GoFormz: Send Email action in the GoFormz web app.

Setup the Send Email action using the following inputs:

To: This action requires you include the email address indicating your email recipient.

If you want this email delivered to multiple recipients, then separate their emails using commas.

CC: Carbon copy (or CC) is where you indicate any additional email addresses you want to send a copy of this email.

If you want this email delivered to multiple recipients, then separate their emails using commas.

BCC: Blind carbon copy (or BCC) is where you indicate any additional email addresses you want to send a copy of this email without displaying them as recipients to the other recipients.

If you want this email delivered to multiple recipients, then separate their emails using commas.

Subject: Provide a customized Subject line for your email message. If you leave this blank, then your subject line defaults to "Message From GoFormz".

Body: In Body you provide the content of your message.

Note: Links cannot be included in any email or text messages dispatched from your GoFormz account. This includes any alphanumeric content that resembles a link (ex.

Use editor mode to modify your messages formatting. Preview mode displays your email message as displayed for your recipient.

Attachments: Select files you want included as your Attachments. This includes output from your Export Report or Export PDF step.

Advanced: Determine your Form Display Name and Reply to Email in your Advanced options for the Send Email action.

Change Form Status

Indicate whether your Form status is Draft or Complete with the Change Form Status action.

Reopen or complete a Form based on an external action using this action. Use this action as part of a Workflow to control Form status from a third-party app like Salesforce.

Completing or more frequently reopening a form based on an external trigger is a common use case for this action. For instance, imagine you have a workflow where field technicians fill out a form, the completed form's data is uploaded into a Salesforce object, and managers then look at the results through Salesforce. If they see that some data is missing, they may want to reopen the form directly from Salesforce.

Screenshot displaying the GoFormz: Change Form Status action in the GoFormz web app.

Provide the following details to setup your Change Form Status action:

  • Form Id: This is a unique 32-digit identifier assigned to each individual Form. Select from your available Forms using this drop-down menu. Your options in this drop-down are populated based on prior Workflow steps like Form Completed or Public Form Submitted triggers.

    Form Id is required for this action.

  • Form Status: Use Form Status to indicate the status you want changed for your Form. The Form status will be either Draft or Completed.

    Form Status is required for this action.

Export Report to CSV

Note: The Export Report to CSV action requires an Advanced subscription.

Generate and export a single CSV file containing your selected text-based Form data. Table, Image, Location, Signature, and Sketch fields cannot be exported.

Open your CSV files with spreadsheet or data analysis software (like Microsoft Excel) to manage and analyze your data.

When you open your CSV, you will see multiple rows of data. The first row contains column headings explaining the following rows. The number of rows included in your export determines the number of additional rows.

Screenshot displaying the GoFormz: Export Report to CSV action in the GoFormz web app.

The following inputs are necessary to setup your Export Report to CSV action:


Report is a drop-down menu where you select the GoFormz report you want exported. This configuration detail is required.

Export Delimiter

Decide how separation of your columns is indicated. By default, your Export Delimiter is a comma (",").

Include Newline Character

Activate Include Newline Characters to enable your Workflow to handle multi-line text fields.

Create Form

Note: The Create Form action requires an Advanced subscription.

Use the Create Form action to create a new Form. You can also assign your new Form to a user and populate Form fields with the exceptions of Location and Sketch. Additionally, if you want to automatically populate a Table field you must contact Pro Services for assistance.

Create Forms with this action based on internal or external triggers.

Use an internal GoFormz trigger in instances where you need to collect data as a first step in a process. An example is if you want an approved Project Proposal form to trigger the creation of a Jobsite Inspection form.

An external trigger can collect data for a third-party source. Here, an example is if you want to create a new Form to collect data for each Work Order created in Salesforce.

Screenshot displaying the GoFormz: Create Form action in the GoFormz web app.

The Create Form action contains the following inputs:

  • Template: Use this drop-down menu to select the Template you want to use as the blueprint for your new Form.

    Template is required to setup the Create Form action.

  • Form Name: Assign a name for your new Form.

    Form Name is required to setup the Create Form action.

  • Form Owner: Select the owner for your new Form using this drop-down menu. Or select Custom and assign the Form Owner using a Workflow Variable.

    Form Owner is required to setup the Create Form action.

  • Fields:

    • Field Name indicates the Data Field name from the original referenced Form.

    • Value is either a value you assign, or a Workflow Variable sourced from a field in the selected Template.

Create Public Form

Note: The Create Public Form action requires an Advanced subscription.

Use the Create Public Form action to create and send a new Public Form link.

You will select which fields you want your Form User to edit and set an expiration date if necessary.

Screenshot displaying the GoFormz: Create Public Form action in the GoFormz web app.

Setup your Create Public Form action with the following details:

  • Form Id: This is a unique 32-digit identifier assigned to each individual Form. Select from your available Forms using this drop-down menu. Your options in this drop-down are populated based on prior Workflow steps like Form Completed or Public Form Submitted triggers.

    Form Id is required for this action.

  • Public Form Name: Indicates the name for your new Public Form.

    Public Form Name is required for this action.

  • View Type: Select whether your Public Form displays in Form or List View.

    View Type is required for this action.

  • Share PDF After Submission: If you include an editable eSign field, then you are required to share the PDF after submission.

  • Expiration Time: Determine the number of hours before the Public Form link expires. If you leave this blank, your Public Form link will have no expiration date.

  • Editable Fields: Create a comma-separated list indicating which Form fields you want editable. If you leave this blank, all Form fields are editable.

  • Send Method: This indicates how you want your Public Form shared. Send Method is required for this action.

    Your available send methods include Email, Text Message, and Link.

    • Email sends your Public Form using the following details:

      • Recipient Name (required)

      • Recipient Email (required)

      • Email Subject

      • Email Body

    • Text Message sends your Public Form using the following details:

      • Recipient Name (required)

      • Recipient Phone Number (required)
        Note: Phone numbers must be in E.164 format (ex. +18584590381).

      • Text message

    • Link creates a web link to your Public Form.
      Note: If your Public Form contains an eSign field, you cannot use the Link option to share your Public Form.

Get Form File Attachment(s)

Note: The Get Form File Attachment(s) action requires an Advanced subscription.

Use the Get Form File Attachment(s) action to collect the attachments included in your File Attachment field.

The Get Form File Attachment action requires the following information:

  • Form Id: This is a unique 32-digit identifier assigned to each individual Form. Select from your available Forms using this drop-down menu. Your options in this drop-down are populated based on prior Workflow steps like Form Completed or Public Form Submitted triggers.

    Form Id is required for this action.

  • Fields: is the name of the corresponding Template field.

    Fields is required for this action.

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