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About eSignature

Capture E-SIGN compliant digital signatures from your Form Users with eSignature fields.

Updated over a week ago

Collect an E-SIGN compliant digital signature on your electronic document with eSignature data fields. eSignature fields include signature and initial options and are approved for use on legally binding documents.

Include an eSignature field when you need to collect a signature that offers compliance with practices that ensure the integrity of a signature collected as part of a digital process.

Configure eSignature

Note: In the Template Editor, the eSignature data field is stylized as e-Signature. The difference in style is for the sake of legibility.

The eSignature data fields are available during the GoFormz trial period, and to Team, Advanced, and Enterprise accounts.

The difference between eSignature and Signature

The eSignature field is different from the GoFormz basic Signature field. eSignature is an E-SIGN compliant data field type which can include initials and/or a signature. The basic Signature data field is a generic, non-E-SIGN compliant digital signature.

When mapping eSignature fields to your Template you cannot include the same field onto your Template multiple times. Instead, you must drag and drop a new eSignature field onto the Template each time. This mapping practice ensures a deliberate collection and record of eSignature data.

Whereas, when using a Signature field, the field can be copied throughout a Template. A Form User then only needs to sign a single field to automatically provide a signature to all copied fields.

Another difference between the Signature field and eSignature fields is that Signature fields can be sized to any specification. eSignature fields, though, require maintained aspect ratios of 3.63:1 for signature, and 1.2:1 for initials.

Saving your eSignature

A unique feature of eSignature fields is that each user profile can define its own unique signature and initial eSignature. This enables a user to maintain consistent signature data across all their drafted and completed Forms.

Manage the profile-specific content of each field in Account Details.

When a Form User interacts with an eSignature field, they will either provide their signature or initials, or review their saved signature or initials.

Next, they must consent to the eSignature disclosure.

After providing their credentials and consenting to the disclosure, the Form User clicks Sign to input the requested credentials. For any additional eSignature fields on that same Form, they will only need to click or tap the field to input their credentials.

For an electronic signature to be legally binding, the E-SIGN Act defines a set of criteria. GoFormz created eSignature with these compliance requirements built in.

Security & Compliance

E-SIGN (also stylized eSign or E-sign) refers to the general rule of validity for electronic records and signatures for transactions in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce under The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (or E-SIGN) Act.

Best practice for use of eSignature is to confirm with your Form User that they agree to do business electronically. Doing this provides further validation for the collected eSignature.

How GoFormz complies with E-SIGN

GoFormz verifies intent and consent in the eSignature modal and in our Terms of Service. A user’s eSignature remains the same throughout a Form to aid in the authentication of a signature.

Screenshot displaying the eSignature modal in the GoFormz web app.

All Forms maintain an audit trail for changes including who made changes, and when and what changes were made in their Form History. View Form History in the Form Editor or Forms list on the GoFormz web or mobile app.

When a Form User signs an eSignature field, Date and Time stamps are not recorded on the Form. But the Form History does create a record for the necessary audit trail.

GoFormz creates a new Form History each time a user saves a Form, or syncs a Form on the GoFormz mobile app.

Note: This Form History will contain other changes if they’re performed in the same session.

A filled in eSign field displays eSigned along with the time and whether the Form User created the version on the mobile or web app. Users with the appropriate permissions can view PDFs of each version Form History displays.

Screenshot displaying the Form History page in the GoFormz web app.

Form Users with a GoFormz user profile retain access to all eSignature signed documents. If a Form User completes a Public Form, then they will receive an emailed or texted copy of their completed Form upon Form submission.

Note: If a Public Form is delivered to a phone number or email not directly associated with the signer, then E-SIGN compliance is forfeited.

Be aware: there are instances when a document may not be E-SIGN compliant even if you include an eSignature data field.

Forfeiture and noncompliance of eSignature

There are instances in which E-SIGN compliance may be forfeited due to circumstances.

Instances where E-SIGN compliance is forfeited include:

  • Gathering signatures using Template-based Public Forms. In this case, the record of who applied the signature cannot be authenticated. Because GoFormz creates a new Form each time the link is accessed, E-SIGN compliant authentication cannot be established.

  • Collecting signatures using a general use or shared GoFormz license that does not belong to an individual. E-SIGN compliance is forfeited because your Form version history shows only a generic record of who applied the corresponding signature.

  • Forging a signature or signing a signature for somebody else without legal authorization.

  • Providing your Form User a Signature data field instead of an eSignature data field. The signature collected with a Signature data field is not E-SIGN compliant. The Signature data field is intended for instances where you do not require the weight of E-SIGN compliance.

  • Sending a Public Form to a phone number or email not directly associated with the signer. E-SIGN compliance requires delivery to a phone number or email directly associated with the signer.

State, county, and international laws may also require additional steps when capturing a legally compliant electronic signature. Always verify your use of eSignature with your local laws.

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