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Permissions, users, and Groups overview
Permissions, users, and Groups overview

Learn how permissions work so you can optimize your account set-up.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Catch-up quick

  • An account belongs to an organization.

  • A user profile is an individual with access to an account.

  • A Group is a set of similar users with the same account access needs.

  • Permissions determine which tasks a Group’s users can perform within an account.

Your account belongs to your organization. Within your account, Account Administrators (called admins) manage account details like billing, permissions, and account access. Admins also manage HIPAA compliance.

🗒️ Note: Most account management tasks - like building Templates and inviting users - must be completed on the web app. The mobile app is focused on Form management tasks - like filling out Forms.

Admins also assign users to Groups. In your account, a user's Group determines their permissions.


Permissions are binary rules which determine which of your account's resources a Group's members can use. Provide users with access to the resources they need to do their jobs.

⚙️ Expert tip

If you have a user with a unique role that requires unique permissions, assign them to multiple Groups. User permissions are additive, so they’ll receive the combined permissions of every Group to which they’re assigned.

Permissions are divided into three segments:

  • Management permissions determine whether a Group’s members can add, edit, and delete resources throughout your account - like Templates, Workflows, and user profiles.

  • Form permissions indicate which actions a Group’s members can perform to the Forms to which they have access.

    These permissions apply to Forms to which a Group has access as determined by their Template folder access.

  • Template folder access permissions define which Templates and Forms a Group’s members can access.

    • The Use Templates permission determines which Templates the Group can use to create and complete Forms. If you need somebody to fill out Forms, you’ll need to grant their Group permission to use that folder’s Templates.

      If this Group has the necessary Management permissions to edit Templates, then any Template folders to which a Group has access are also the Templates they can edit.

    • View member’s Forms provides the Group you’re managing with the necessary permissions to access any Forms their Group members create using the matching folder’s Templates.

    • View all Forms gives access to any Forms created using the matching folder’s Templates including Forms created by other Groups.

      If you need a user to review Forms created by everybody in your account, you’ll need to grant them permission to View all Forms for the necessary Template folder.

In addition to their assigned permissions, each of your users can also manage certain details of their personal user profile.

User profiles

Create as many user profiles as necessary to meet your organization’s needs. Each user profile occupies a license - including pending users and Independent Users. Invite users on the web app from the Users and Groups page either one at a time, or in bulk.

Users can log in to both the web and mobile apps using their email address and password. Admins can also set up single sign-on (or SSO) to provide a streamlined log-in process using a user’s existing third-party accounts - like Apple, Google, or Microsoft.

🗒️ Note: If you’re added to your organization’s account, you’ll receive an email to guide you through the profile creation process.

Download the mobile app to your phone or table to fill out Forms anywhere.

Each user can remain logged in to 2 mobile devices, and one web app instance at a time. Admin users can review and manage the active devices for each of their account's users.

When necessary, you can deactivate a user to prevent them from accessing your account. While deactivating a user does not delete the user’s account, it does free up one of your account’s user licenses.

There is a limit to how many times you can deactivate and reactivate a user. If you find that you've reactivated a user too many times, please contact support.

⚙️ Expert tip

If you need to provide contractors, seasonal workers, or anybody else temporary account access, consider adding them as an Independent User.

When you add a user to your account, you’ll assign them to a Group.


Assign multiple users who require the same sets of permissions to a Group.

Advanced and Enterprise tier accounts can include users in as many Groups as necessary. Be aware, permissions are additive - so, if you include somebody in multiple Groups, they’ll have the combined permissions of those Groups.

Catch-up quick

If you’re collecting filled out Forms from people outside of your organization, don’t create a user profile for them. Instead, use Public Forms.

By default, your account includes three Groups: Form Users, Process Managers, and Administrators.

  • Form Users provides the Group’s members with all available Forms permissions. With these permissions, they can fill out and manage any Forms they can access.

    A Group’s Form access depends on their Template folder access.

  • Process Managers have the necessary permissions to manage anything in your account except users and permissions.

    If you need a user to build and manage aspects of your account like Templates, Workflows, and DataSources in addition to Forms, assign them to the Process Managers Group.

  • Admins manage account details like account access, billing, and permissions. Admins also have full access to all of your account’s resources - including Templates and Forms.

    Admin permissions are uneditable, and this Group cannot be deleted.

    Only include a user in the Admins Group if they need to control the most crucial aspects of your account.

These three Groups aim to support the most common tasks. Edit each Group’s details, and create additional Groups to best suit your organization. Often times users create Groups based on users’ job functions, locations, or Workflow needs.

If you need to further refine your permissions, Enterprise-tier accounts can include up to six subgroups in each Group.

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