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Templates tab navigation

In the Templates tab you'll access and manage the central information-gathering resource in your account.

Updated over a week ago

The Templates tab is where you’ll build Templates to gather information from your Form Users.

Everything you do in your account revolves around your Templates. When you can confidently manage your Templates, you’ll be prepared to leverage and process the information you’re collecting throughout your account.

🗒️ Note: The Template building and management experiences are designed for the GoFormz web app.

In Templates tab you’ll find a list of your current Template folders in the page’s left-hand panel. Locate existing Templates manually, or using the search bar in the upper right-hand corner. Your search results will include results within your Template folders.

Access the folder in which your Template’s are stored in the Templates table.

You’ll start in the Main folder where your Templates are stored by default. Your selected Template folder’s contents display in the page’s main table.

Select a Template folder to access its Templates. Each row shows the related Template’s current version, and the date on which it was last updated. To the right of the Last Updated column you’ll access the Actions menu.

Move Templates into their appropriate folder by either dragging them to the folder individually, or in bulk.

Perform bulk Template actions when you check multiple checkboxes in the table’s All column. Use the Bulk Actions menu to delete or move multiple Templates at once.

Build new Templates in the Template Editor when you click Build. Update your existing Templates when you click a Template’s row to open it in the Template Editor.

Organize and manage your Templates with Template folders

Template folders help you organize your Templates, but you’ll also use them to refine Group-specific access to your Templates and Forms.

🗒️ Note: Subgroups can also have unique permissions - but remember, subgroups inherit the permissions from their primary Group.

When you click Create New Folder, the New Template Folder modal appears. Here, you’ll assign your Template folder’s name and Group-based permissions.

Screenshot displaying the Edit Template folders window in the GoFormz web app’s Templates tab.

Assign Template folder names that will be easily recognizable to both you and your Form Users. Folder names can be up to 50 characters long.

Your folders display in alphabetical order. If you include numbers or non-alphabetical characters - like an exclamation point or asterisk - those folders will appear near the top of your list.

You’ll manage three sets of Template folder permissions for each of your account’s Groups:

  • Use Templates lets the selected Group’s members fill out Forms using the corresponding folder’s Template.

    If a user is responsible for building and managing Templates in your account, you’ll also need to allow the Group they’re in with Use Templates permissions for the necessary folders.

  • View member’s Forms gives access to any Forms created by this Group’s members using the corresponding folder’s Templates.

  • View all Forms provides the selected Group’s members with access to any Forms created by anybody - including members of different Groups - for the corresponding folder’s Templates.

If you delete a folder, the Templates within that folder will automatically move to your account’s Main folder. Any Templates stored in the Main folder are accessible to all account members.

Catch-up quick: The permissions managed for your Template folders are the same permissions managed in Group Settings Template folder access section.

Within your folders, you’ll manage individual Templates with Template actions.

Template actions

Manage an individual Template’s details when you access the Actions menu (. . .).

Screenshot displaying the Template actions menu in the GoFormz web app.

Click Edit to open the corresponding Template in the Template Editor. Here you’ll access and manage your Template’s name, layout, page elements, and field properties.

Access either Template Events or Workflows to navigate to the respective section of the web app. If you’ve set up any automations for your Template, they’ll automatically display when you navigate to Workflows or Template Events from the Actions menu.

Workflow triggers and your Template folders

When you establish your Workflow trigger, you'll select which Templates are associated with starting your Workflow. Start your Workflow based on individual Templates, all Templates within a Template folder, or all current and future Templates in your account.

Screenshot displaying the Select your Templates drop-down menu in the web app’s Workflow Editor.

As you manage your Templates in the future, pay attention to how your Templates impact your Workflows.

💡 As an example. . .

When you set up your Workflows you'll select Templates off of which you want to trigger your Workflow. You can select both individual Templates, and Template folders.

If you select a Template folder, and later a move a Template out of that folder, you may experience issues with your Workflow. This is because you’ve assigned your Workflow to reference a Template folder as opposed to the individual Template.

To continue to trigger your Workflow based on the Template you moved, open your Workflow in the Workflow Editor. Here, you’ll access the Select your Templates menu where you’ll locate and select the moved Template.

Now your Workflow trigger will reference both the Templates in the Template folder, and the previously associated Template.

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