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Permissions overview

Understand how to assign user permissions, create Groups, and manage user access in GoFormz.

Updated over a week ago

Assign user permissions to Groups to provide user-specific capabilities within your account. Assign users to the appropriate Groups so they can complete the necessary tasks within GoFormz.

Create Groups for users who share similar functions, locations, or have similar permission needs. If you need to provide narrower permission sets, create nested Child Groups.

🗒️ Note: Child Groups are only available to Enterprise-level accounts.

When you create a Child Group, some permissions can't be changed because they're inherited from their Parent Group. Any inherited permissions display a lock icon on the Add a Group page.

Manage user permissions in Account Details on the web app. When you create a Group, you'll choose the permissions. These permissions will apply to any users you add to the corresponding Group.

You can also manage user permissions when you select a Group and click Group Settings.

Screenshot displaying the location of Group Settings on the Group Info page in the GoFormz web app.

You'll navigate to Group Info where you'll manage your selected Group's permissions.

Screenshot displaying the Group Info page in the GoFormz web app.

As an account admin, you'll manage Group permissions on the web app in Users and Groups. When you create a Group, you'll switch activation sliders to determine the Management and Form Permissions, and Template Folder Access for that Group.

Management Permissions

Here you'll determine if Group members can manage your account's Templates, DataSources, Reports, and Shareable Form Links.

If you need members of a Group to edit, add, or delete any of these resources, then you'll want to switch the corresponding slider to active.

Additionally, use Management Permissions to determine whether User Group members can manage Form Tags.

Provide users with access to the resources they need to perform their roles. Management permissions focus on organizational and report-based tasks. Form Permissions provide tasks related to Form management.

Form Permissions

Provide your Group with the ability to complete the necessary Form actions with Form Permissions.

Some users may only need to complete, tag, and transfer Forms. Other users may need to delete, copy, and reopen completed Forms. Assign these Form Permissions here.

When you provide the ability to create Form copies, users in a Group are able to save time by duplicating data that's shared with an existing Form. The Form User can then update the necessary fields rather than filling out a blank Form from scratch.

Tasks like renaming, changing the status, or deleting Forms may be necessary for User Groups responsible for Form management. Users may also need to edit a Form that's been completed — requiring them to reopen the completed Forms.

The movement of Forms between users inside and outside your organization may require PDF export, email, or transfer of a Form completed in GoFormz. Manage a Group's ability to complete these tasks here.

A Group that'll be responsible for organizing Forms will need permissions to manage Form Tags.

You can also provide a Group with all of these Form Permissions by activating the All option.

If you need to provide a Group with Template-based permissions, you'll manage their Template Folder permissions.

Template Folder permissions

Template Folder permissions impact Group members' ability to access and manage Forms and Templates associated with Templates in a Template Folder.

If users within a Group will need to create Forms from a folder’s Templates, then you’ll allow that Group Use Templates permissions.

On the Group Info page, you'll use the activation sliders to determine the permission status for each available Template Folder in your account.

Screenshot displaying the Template Folder Access table in the Group Settings page of the GoFormz web app.

For each Template Folder, you'll determine who can use the Templates stored within each folder, and who can view the Forms created from the Templates stored within each folder.

Use Templates

If this permission is activated, users in this Group can use the Templates in this folder to create Forms. When activated, Group members will be able to edit the Templates in the corresponding folder if they have the other required permissions.

View all Forms

When the View all Forms permissions are activated, Group members will have the permissions necessary to view all Forms created using the Templates in the corresponding folder rather than only the Forms assigned to them.

🗒️ Note: If you allow permissions to View all Forms, the Group will also gain Use Templates permissions.

If activated this will show Forms created by any user with access to the corresponding Template folder, not just those in the user's Group.

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