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Mobile app navigation

Learn how to navigate the GoFormz mobile app to complete tasks with confidence and access Templates and Forms from your device.

Updated over 6 months ago

Download the GoFormz mobile app to log in to your user profile and complete tasks using a phone or tablet in both portrait and landscape mode. You can remain logged in to 2 mobile devices at a time.

The GoFormz mobile app is designed with Form Users in mind. Admins looking to manage their Templates or Form ownership, or complete other common account management actions will need to use the GoFormz web app.

Learn to navigate the GoFormz mobile app with confidence to complete your tasks with confidence. In the upper right-hand corner is a magnifying glass icon - tap it at any time to search for Forms and Templates.

You can also complete tasks by tapping through four different tabs: New, Recent, Forms, and Settings.

Download Templates and fill out Forms in the New tab

New is where you’ll automatically navigate when you log in to the GoFormz mobile app. The top of the New page displays Templates with which you’ve recently interacted. Below that's a list of the Templates and Template folders to which you have access.

Screenshot displaying the New tab in the GoFormz mobile app.

To fill out a Form on your mobile device, you’ll need to download the necessary Templates.

Download Templates to your mobile device

When a Template isn’t yet downloaded to your device a download arrow displays along with the corresponding Template.

Screenshot displaying a folder within the Select a Template section of the GoFormz mobile app with multiple Templates available for download.

Tap the download arrow to add a Template to your device. You’ll maintain access to your downloaded Templates and Forms even if you don’t have a data connection.

Once downloaded, you’re able to create and complete Forms using the available Templates.

Fill out Forms on the mobile app

In the New tab, tap the Template you want to use to create and complete a Form. When you tap the desired Template you’ll navigate to the Form Editor.

Screenshot displaying an example of a Form open in the Form Editor of the GoFormz mobile app.

The Form Editor is where you’ll enter your information into the Form. Tap through the available highlighted fields and enter your information. After you’ve completed all necessary fields, tap Complete.

Access Forms and Templates you’ve interacted with in the Recent tab.

Manage your Forms in the Recent tab

In the Recent tab you’ll find your recent Template and Form activity. Templates with recent activity appear across the top of the screen. Below that you’ll find a list of Forms with which you’ve recently interacted.

Screenshot displaying the Recent tab in the GoFormz mobile app.

Here you’ll complete tasks like transferring and renaming your Forms.

Transfer a Form on the mobile app

Transfer a Form on the mobile app by opening the Actions (. . .) menu while accessing the Form you want to transfer. Your available Form Actions will appear.

Next, you’ll tap Transfer. You’ll navigate to a list of users and groups to whom you can transfer your selected Form.

Screenshot displaying the transfer recipient selection page on the GoFormz mobile app.

You’ll tap the user or Group to whom you want to transfer your Form. A modal will appear asking you to confirm your selection.

Screenshot displaying the transfer confirmation modal in the GoFormz mobile app.

Your transfer will dispatch or cancel based on your selection.

Rename a Form on the mobile app

If you have the necessary Form permissions and need to rename a Form on the mobile app, tap the vertical ellipsis for the Form you want to rename to open the Form Actions menu. Select Details and History. You’ll navigate to the corresponding Form Details.

Screenshot displaying an example of the Form Details page in the GoFormz mobile app.

Tap the Name field to access and manage the Form name. Enter any necessary changes and tap Done to apply your changes.

You can also locate and manage Forms in the Forms tab.

Review your Forms on the mobile app in the Forms tab

The Forms tab is where you’ll access and manage all of the Forms to which you have access. On the GoFormz mobile app, the All Forms, Drafts, and Completed tabs display their corresponding Forms from the past 7 days.

🗒️ Note: If you want to access a Form that is older than 7 days, you’ll need to search for it by name.

Tap the Shared Forms icon to access all Forms owned by your Group. Unlike other Forms, your Group's Shared Forms remain available indefinitely.

Screenshot displaying the Forms tab on the GoFormz mobile app.

Tap the vertical ellipsis menu to open the Form Actions menu. The Form Actions menu is the same in Recent and Forms.

Admin Form access on mobile

Account admins are users within a GoFormz account who are assigned full administrative management permissions.

Unlike most users, Admin users can review additional Forms not currently on their device by tapping the Include Forms not on device activation slider. When this slider is activated, search results will include Forms not currently on the device.

Screenshot displaying the "Include Forms not on device" admin action in the Forms tab of the GoFormz mobile app's Search feature.

But on the GoFormz mobile app, even admins are unable to access Forms from Groups of which they're not members. If an admin wants to take ownership of Forms from another Group, they'll need to manage their Group settings on the GoFormz web app.

Manually sync your mobile device in Settings

Tap Settings to navigate to the Settings page in the GoFormz mobile app. Here you’ll access information about your user profile, device, and app version. The Settings page is also where you’ll find sync details.

If your mobile device has a solid data connection and is either open or running in the background, your available Forms and Templates automatically sync with your account every 90 seconds.

When you’re without a solid data connection you’ll still have access to your downloaded Templates and Forms. Continue to create and complete Forms as necessary and your updates will automatically sync once you’re connected again.

Screenshot displaying the Sync section of the Settings page in the GoFormz mobile app.

If you don’t see a required Form or Template, an admin may have recently updated your permissions. In this case you’ll need to log out of your user profile on the mobile app and then log back in. You’ll now find the Forms and Templates you need.

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