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Fill out and manage Forms on the web app with the Web Form Editor.

Updated over 12 months ago

When you fill out new Forms or manage your existing Forms on your computer you'll use the Web Form Editor.

Access the web app and navigate to the Forms tab. On the Forms tab, a table displays the Forms to which you have access.

An icon indicating a Form’s status appears to the left of the Form’s name.

  • A vertical blue rectangle indicates a Form created from a shareable link.

  • A green check mark indicates a completed Form.

  • Drafted Forms display no icon.

Screenshot displaying the Forms table in the Forms tab of the GoFormz web app.

Open an existing Form - or create a new Form - to access the Web Form Editor. The actions available to you in the Web Form Editor depend on your assigned permissions, and a Form’s current status.

When opened in the Web Form Editor, your Form displays in either Edit or View mode based on their status.

Fill out Forms on the web app in Edit mode

Create and fill out new Forms or resume drafted Forms in the Web Form Editor’s Edit mode.

Edit mode displays drafted Forms for which you can enter information. When you create a new Form on the web app, you’ll fill it out in the Web Form Editor.

Click through a Form’s fields and provide the necessary information to fill out a Form. Click Save to create a draft version of your Form, or click Complete to submit the Form.

🗒️ Note: When drafted but not submitted, you can return to your Form later to continue filling it out.

A Form’s basic information - like its name and when it was last updated - appear in the upper left-hand corner of the Web Form Editor. Click the pencil icon to change your Form’s name.

Open the Form Actions menu to transfer, tag, or open a PDF version of your Form. If available, you can also switch between views.

Screenshot displaying the Form Actions menu in Edit mode within the Web Form Editor in the GoFormz web app.

Forms may display in either Form View or List View. Click the Switch to . . . to access your alternative layout option. The option displayed in the Form Actions menu depends on your currently opened view.

Select Open PDF to move your Form, in its current state, to drafted status and access a matching PDF version. You can then manage your PDF as needed. Access the drafted version of your Form in the Forms tab.

Create a shareable link to an online-fillable version of your Form when you click Create Public Form.

Transfer provides the user or Group you select with ownership of the Form in its current state. This provides the selected users with access to the Form.

🗒️ Note: Reopen a Form and click Take Ownership to reclaim your Form ownership status.

Tag your Forms to organize them based on your organizations preferred classifications.

Manage any completed Forms in View mode.

Manage completed Forms on the web app in View mode

Completed Forms display in View mode. In View mode you can switch Form views, tag Forms, and open Form PDFs just like in Edit mode.

But, you can also reopen, duplicate, or delete a Form. You can also create an online-shareable link to fill out the Form, and access the Form’s history and Workflow jobs.

In View mode you can switch Form views, tag Forms, and open Form PDFs just like in Edit mode. But, you can also reopen, duplicate, or delete a Form. You can also create an online-shareable link to fill out the Form, and access the Form’s history and Workflow jobs.

If you want to transfer a completed Form, you’ll need to reopen the Form to change its status from completed to drafted. When you click Reopen, you’ll view the Form in Edit mode.

🗒️ Note: If you update Form’s status from complete to draft, it may cause Workflows to re-run.

To review which Workflows are associated with your Form, click Workflow Jobs in the Form Actions menu.

With a drafted Form reopened, you’ll find the Template Version option. Here - if you have the necessary permissions - you can change your Form’s source Template.

Screenshot displaying the Form Actions menu for a reopened Form in the Web Form Editor of the GoFormz web app.

Track Form reopens in your Form’s History along with other notable changes like Form creations, completions, and transfers.

Delete the individual Form if necessary, but be aware that you cannot restore deleted Forms.

Navigate through your Form in either viewing mode

Edit and View modes offer the same navigation experience. You’ll find the navigation bar at the bottom of the Web Form Editor.

With the navigation bar you’ll move through your Form’s pages and resize your view.

Screenshot displaying the Web Form Editor’s navigation bar in the GoFormz web app.

Your current page, and total number of pages in your document display on the bar’s left side. Scroll through your Form, or click through its pages using the navigation bar’s up and down arrows.

Click the upward facing arrow icon to the right of the up and down arrows to navigate automatically to the beginning of your Form.

Zoom out and in using the minus and plus symbols.

Resize your view to display a full page when you click Fit to Page. If you want to view an entire page at once to make sure you didn’t miss anything, this view provides your solution.

Alternatively, click Fit to Width to fit your page’s width to fill your browser. Many users leverage this view when filling out a Form.

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