Explore the available integrations and their corresponding Workflows to automate your manual data processing.
90 articles
Workflows overview
App Connections
Workflow Variables overview
Set up and manage Workflow recipes
Workflows tab navigation
Workflow Jobs: Troubleshooting workflows
Workflow Dashboard overview
Why did my Workflow fail at its Create Public Form step?
Required Fields in Workflow
Workflow Conditional Logic
Workflow Failure Notification
Workflow folders
Workflow Versioning
Automatically Deactivated Workflows
GoFormz Actions Overview
Workflow Triggers Overview
Custom Workflows Introduction
Third-party Integrations Overview
Workflows and integrations FAQ
Set up an “Email Completed Form with Additional Attachments” Workflow
Set up an "Email Completed Form" Workflow
Set up a “Send an email when a transferred Form is received” Workflow
Set up a "Send an email with a PDF copy of a submitted Public Form" Workflow
"Export Form to PDF" Workflow action details
"Get Form File Attachment(s)" Workflow action details
"Get Form Images" Workflow action details
"Send Email" Workflow action details
"Change Form Status" Workflow action details
"Export Report to CSV" Workflow action details
"Create Form" Workflow action details
"Create Public Form" Workflow action details
Set up an "Email Scheduled Report" Workflow recipe
Box integration overview
Add a new Box connection
Set up an “Upload a Scheduled Report to Box” Workflow recipe
Set up a "Box File Upload" Workflow recipe
Set up an “Upload submitted Public Form to Box” Workflow recipe
Box "Add Custom Metadata” action overview
Box "Add Template Metadata" action overview
Set up a “Box File and Template Metadata Upload” Workflow recipe
Google Workspace Connection Overview
Add a Google Workspace connection
Google Drive: Upload File Recipe
Set up an “Add Form Data to Your Google Sheet” Workflow recipe
Set up an “Upload a Scheduled Report to Google Drive” Workflow recipe
Set up an “Upload submitted Public Form to Google Drive” Workflow recipe
Set Up an “Upsert to Google Sheet using a completed Form” Workflow recipe
Google Cloud Storage
Google BigQuery Integration
OneDrive integration overview
Add a new Microsoft OneDrive connection
OneDrive "Affix Row to Excel Table” action overview
OneDrive: Upload File Recipe
Set up an "Upload a Scheduled Report to OneDrive" Workflow recipe
Set up an “Upload submitted Public Form to OneDrive” Workflow recipe
Set up an “Affix Form Data to OneDrive” Workflow recipe
Smartsheet integration overview
Add a new Smartsheet connection
Smartsheet "Add Row to Sheet” action overview
Smartsheet "Upsert Row to Sheet” action overview
Smartsheet "Upload Attachment to Row" action overview
Set up your “Add Form Data to Your Smartsheet” Workflow recipe
Set up your “Add Form Data and Upload Form to Smartsheet” Workflow recipe
Set up an “Upsert to Smartsheet Using a Completed Form” Workflow recipe
Set up an “Upsert Form Data and Upload Form to Smartsheet” Workflow recipe